pregnant Mom

¿Estás embarazada y te sientes desanimada?

enero 17, 2024 MUJERES

It’s not talked about much, but up to 1 in 5 women experience depression during pregnancy. People around you may say, “You must be so happy!” or “What an exciting time!” when the truth is you’re not exactly feeling it.

There are many things about pregnancy that may worry you. Topping the list may be your baby’s health, or your ability to be a good parent. Added worries about money, work, and relationships don’t help. And oh, yes, your body is changing too thanks to your hormones! Hormones can make you constipated, tired, and moody and can also affect your risk of depression. What’s a feeling blue mom-to-be to do?

feelings Ladies
Professional Preg

Share your feelings.

Find someone who understands how you’re feeling that you can talk through your worries with. While your partner can be a good sounding board for some worries, a mom who has been through it can really “hear you.” Keeping a private journal can help you unload feelings that you may not want to share with others.

Get professional help.

Depression during pregnancy is real and can impact you and your baby’s health, especially if it’s affecting your appetite, sleep, or self-care. Talk with your health care provider about how you are feeling.

Make a plan.

It can be overwhelming to think about all the things you need to do before baby arrives. Lists can be a big help. Make a list of all the things that need to get done and items you need for the baby before your due date. Then add them to a calendar so you know exactly when you’ll accomplish them.

Take a look at your diet.

Nutrition plays a huge role in mental health and moods.

Are you drinking enough water?

Staying hydrated is also important for you and your baby. Not drinking enough water can make you tired, moody, and even confused. Make your goal to drink 8-12 cups of water each day.

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Eating Healthy