Eating Well

During Pregnancy

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Why is eating right during pregnancy a big deal?

Your baby depends on you to give him everything he needs to grow. Eating plenty of healthy foods during pregnancy and while breastfeeding will help shape your baby’s preferences for healthy and nutritious foods.

Filling your Plate

Guidelines for safely eating fish during pregnancy and while breastfeeding can be found by clicking below:

Snacks: Tasty, healthy and easy

Peanut butter with celery

Fruit or whole grain crackers with peanut butter

Cucumber and carrots with hummus dip

Yogurt with dry cereal, nuts, or dried fruit

Fruit smoothie

What to eat

These are general guidelines for pregnant women. Talk with your health care provider or create a personalized food plan by clicking below:


Take a prenatal vitamin as prescribed by your health care provider. Most health care providers recommend a prenatal vitamin with 27 mg of iron, 150 mcg of iodine, and 400 mcg of folic acid. Iron is important for baby’s growth and development. Gummy prenatal vitamins have no iron. Ask your doctor about other options.

Avoid unsafe foods